Updated Image View Page
Well, I thought of revealing another new thing before this, but it's not ready yet. this is one of the many new improvements done under the hood this year. so lets get to it. The last time we redid the image view was 2 years(forever) ago. that page is so old, it doesn't work now. this new page has more improvements on the way. The image is now held in a back background and its big now. the image title has moved to below the image. also the image descriptions are back. we are hoping to add tags too. beside the title is the edit button. if the image is captured using a camera, a small camera button will appear beside the edit button and when clicked, it will show you things like the model of the camera, ISO, aperture shutter speed, etc. there are 2 full screen buttons on the page and first one is on the image, to view image in full screen and the other is on the new stats bar. (checkout the stats bar in full screen because its so cool) and now the stats bar features a real time t